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Work Samples

Below are some examples of recent completed work. Geovisualization is a powerful tool for communicating information and telling stories. Hover over the images for descriptions and links to the interactive projects. Leave a like while you're there!

Portfolio: Text
Portfolio: Work

Team Projects

Quality Air Quality Cities

Minneapolis Air Quality Custom Full Stack Application

We use PurpleAir Sensor data to host a custom web map of interpolated Particulate Matter 2.5 concentrations based on historic and real time sensor data in collaboration with stakeholders at the Minneapolis Department of health. The idea is to use the PurpleAir API to gather data, host it on a postGIS data base and generate interpolations of historic conditions and predictions of future conditions using spatial data analysis techniques. The project is built in python, using SQL, postGIS, Flask, Google Cloud and ArcGIS Online.

Project Growing Food Security MN

Satellite Imagery and Food Insecurity Correlation Analysis

As an exercise in Project Management, this group paper explores patterns of land use change in Minnesota’s farm and agriculture industry from 2010 to 2020 as compared to the food insecurity index of the state over the same time period using satellite imagery and Census data.

An interactive web map development project that promotes environmental justice and highlights the characteristics of the protected municipal Green Zones in Minneapolis

Developed as a team effort for a Geocomputing course to demonstrate Python coding techniques for geospatial applications. We created this open source  webmap as a first stage of future development, gathering large public data sets in one location for ease of access and use.

Portfolio: Files
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